A podcast for feminists who feel overwhelmed and exhausted by everything they need to do, and still worry that we're not doing enough - hosted by Emily and Amel...
Let’s talk about what makes a good goal. Amelia kind of biffed on No Buy Low Buy, but in the service of owning enough clothing to leave the house without looking like a hobo. Maybe it’s OK to not be a minimalist in all things? Definitely stick around to the VERY end.PS: Amelia is still going live on Youtube on Fridays @4pm eastern:https://www.youtube.com/@feministsurvivalprojectDana K White - A Slob Comes CleanDawn the Minimal MomIndyx appAre you Ready Dot Gov?Nicholas Boulton on CameoMaria Bamford on Cameo
The Problem With Hope
If hope is your reason to do nothing, that’s delusion. But what is hope? Do you need it? The second half of the episode gets a little dark, but hopefully it’ll be helpful to hear. Help is available right away. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 988 or 1-800-273-8255, 1-800-273-TALK - websiteTrans Lifeline: 1-877-565-8860 - websiteLinks:FSP 2025: We're Stronger Than the FireIs This a Coup?An Alternative to Hope: Or, The Secret Medicine for When the Thing With Feathers Stop Singing (Emily on Youtube)Monty Python - Dead Parrot (Youtube)FSP 2020 episode 8: The MonitorNo Bad Parts by Richard Schwartz, PHD (book)Rae McDaniel
Decluttering Momentum and the Doom Box
Do you have a box of stuff you've carried between moves and never dealt with? Yeah, I totally don't have 100 of those. This week, Amelia declutters a Dreaded Doom Box. And then Emily and Amelia go a little deeper on decluttering.Today! Amelia is going live on Youtube on Fridays starting, February 21 @ 4pm eastern. Follow here: https://www.youtube.com/@feministsurvivalproject****Links:Dana K White - A Slob Comes Cleanhttps://www.aslobcomesclean.comThis Is Your Brain on Music: THE SCIENCE OF A HUMAN OBSESSIONBy Daniel J. LevitinTake Your House Back CourseKay Patterson - The Organized Soprano
No Buy Low Buy
Emily and Amelia are both doing some variation on low-buy/no-buy this year. There are many good reasons to do so, and many good ways to make it work for you. All that and bonus toaster oven and kitchen counter commiseration! Amelia is going live on Youtube starting next Friday, February 21 @ 4pm eastern. Follow here.Links:Project for AwesomeWax Oil Wick
Elon Musk Does Not Have Asperger's and Neither Do We
Amelia takes the lead this week with a history of Autism and how it’s intertwined with Fascism. It gets dark, but not explicit.
Asperger's Children: The Origins of Autism in Nazi Vienna
FSP 2020 Episode 03: Human Giver Syndrome
This American Life: 81 words
Hannah Gadsby: Douglas
Emily’s NYT profile
A podcast for feminists who feel overwhelmed and exhausted by everything they need to do, and still worry that we're not doing enough - hosted by Emily and Amelia Nagoski, authors of BURNOUT: the secret to unlocking the stress cycle.