Bob Neufeld from Vintage Audiobooks is your host and storyteller. He reads favorites and lesser-known gems in multiple genres, including children's works, Ameri...
A young, beautiful mermaid longs to live above the sea and be a human being. But there are serious consequences!From the Danish master of the fairy tale, Hans Christian Andersen. Buy Me A Coffee
F. Scott Fitzgerald - The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
In this short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald, published in 1922, Benjamin's life is lived backwards.The Vintage Audobooks Podcast brings you readings of classic, international stories, fairy tales, myths, history, philosophy and other genres.Bob Neufeld is your host and narrator..Buy Me A Coffee
Rip Van Winkle
Sleep Time brings you classic stories, fairy tales, mythology and other favorites told in a calm, gentle style that helps you relax after your long, hard day and drift into dreamland. Bob Neufeld is your host and storyteller.In this episode, fall asleep with the best sleep story ever - Rip Van Winkle.Buy Me A Coffee
Grimm 1 - Cinderella +
Sleep Time brings you classic stories, fairy tales, mythology and other favorites told in a calm, gentle style that helps you relax after your long, hard day and drift into dreamland. Bob Neufeld is your host and storyteller.In this episode, fall asleep with five beloved fairy tales from the Brothers Grimm.0:10 - Intro2:11 - Cinderella18:13 - The Traveling Musicians26:37 - The Golden Goose36: 28 - Hans In Luck51:05 - Old SultanBuy Me A Coffee
Hans Christian Andersen - The Ugly Duckling and Thumbelina
From the great Danish master, Hans Christian Anderson, two of his most beloved tales. The Ugly Duckling and Thumbelina. Both characters make long, dangerous journeys to find perfect new homes and companions.
Bob Neufeld from Vintage Audiobooks is your host and storyteller. He reads favorites and lesser-known gems in multiple genres, including children's works, American and international fiction, history/biography, and philosophyWith episodes from the Sleep Time Edition, you can fall asleep listening to classic stories told in a calm, gentle style that will help you relax from your long, hard day and drift into dreamland.