The Anxious Truth - A Panic, Anxiety, and Mental Health Podcast
Drew Linsalata
Struggling with panic attacks, agoraphobia, or other anxiety problems? The Anxious Truth will educate you, empower you, encourage you, and inspire you to get yo...
Anxiety Recovery: Acceptance Is Better Than Control | EP 314
Send in a question or comment via text.When struggling with chronic anxiety or anxiety disorders, our instinct is often to search for ways to control, manage, or eliminate our symptoms. But what if that approach is actually keeping us stuck?This week we're looking at the fundamental difference between acceptance-based strategies and control/management-based approaches to anxiety recovery. Drawing from both research evidence and real-world experiences of anxiety sufferers, we'll explain why acceptance consistently produces better long-term outcomes than trying to control our internal experiences.You'll learn:The critical distinction between externally-generated stress and internally-generated anxietyWhy popular "anxiety hacks" and nervous system regulation techniques often backfire for disordered anxietyWhat acceptance actually means (and what it doesn't)The paradox of how accepting anxiety can ultimately lead to feeling less anxiousWhy it's difficult to combine acceptance and control strategiesWhether you're tired of collecting coping techniques that only provide temporary relief or you're curious about a different approach to anxiety recovery, this episode offers practical insights into a more sustainable path forward—one that doesn't depend on trying to manually control your thoughts, feelings, or bodily sensations.Remember: there are no wrong experiences in anxiety recovery, only wins or learning opportunities. Whatever small step you take today toward facing rather than retreating from your fears counts.For full show notes on this episode: The Anxious Truth: If you find the podcast helpful and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee. Other ways to support my work like buying a book or signing up for a low cost workshop can be found on my website. None of this is never required, but always appreciated! Interested in doing therapy with me? For more information on working with me directly to overcome your anxiety, follow this link.Disclaimer: The Anxious Truth is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. Listening to The Anxious Truth does not create a therapeutic relationship between you and the host or guests of the podcast. Information here is provided for psychoeducational purposes. As always, when you have questions about your own well-being, please consult your mental health and/or medical care providers. If you are having a mental health crisis, always reach out immediately for in-person help.
Common Questions About Anxiety From ... You! | EP 313
Send in a question or comment via text.In this no-frills episode of The Anxious Truth, I'm tackling common questions about anxiety sent in by you, the listeners. No fancy production today - just real talk about real anxiety concerns.We're diving into: 00:00 - Introduction 00:58 - Emetophobia (fear of vomiting) - what it is and how it's typically addressed 06:12 - Nocturnal panic attacks - why they're jarring and how to handle them 11:24 - Is focusing on breathing a distraction or helpful technique? 14:45 - The meta-problem of ruminating about rumination 18:20 - External sources of anxiety in our tumultuous world22:06 - The fear of becoming suicidal against your will - a surprisingly common anxiety concern27:40 - Why focusing on specific anxious thoughts misses the bigger pictureAs someone who lived through panic disorder, agoraphobia, OCD, and depression, I'm sharing both professional and personal perspectives on these challenging issues. Remember - recovery isn't about eliminating specific fears but changing your relationship with your internal experiences altogether.There are no magic solutions or quick fixes here, just practical guidance for the long-term journey of anxiety recovery. All sensations, thoughts, and emotions are permissible - even when they're uncomfortable.For full show notes on this episode: The Anxious Truth: If you find the podcast helpful and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee. Other ways to support my work like buying a book or signing up for a low cost workshop can be found on my website. None of this is never required, but always appreciated! Interested in doing therapy with me? For more information on working with me directly to overcome your anxiety, follow this link.Disclaimer: The Anxious Truth is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. Listening to The Anxious Truth does not create a therapeutic relationship between you and the host or guests of the podcast. Information here is provided for psychoeducational purposes. As always, when you have questions about your own well-being, please consult your mental health and/or medical care providers. If you are having a mental health crisis, always reach out immediately for in-person help.
Your Anxiety Is Not Special (This Is Good News) | EP 312
Send in a question or comment via text.This week we're looking at why the anxious fear that bothers you most is NOT special - and why that's actually good news for your recovery.After receiving countless messages asking me to address specific fears (passing out, heart attacks, going insane), I've noticed a pattern: everyone thinks their particular anxiety is unique, more dangerous, or requires special treatment.Here's the reality: while your fear feels incredibly real and disturbing, all anxiety disorders follow similar patterns. Your anxiety isn't special because:Everyone with anxiety believes their fear is "the worst one"All anxiety disorders use the same mechanisms to keep you stuckThe same recovery principles apply regardless of your specific fearWhat makes anxiety "irrational" isn't that these fears are impossible - many feared events do happen in real life. It's how the fear is applied: persistently, disproportionately, and in ways that disrupt your daily functioning.Recognizing that your anxiety isn't special is empowering. It means you can learn from others who've recovered and apply proven principles instead of searching for specialized techniques for your "unique" situation.You don't have to fully believe this yet - just consider the possibility. That small opening is your first step toward recovery.For full show notes on this episode: The Anxious Truth: If you find the podcast helpful and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee. Other ways to support my work like buying a book or signing up for a low cost workshop can be found on my website. None of this is never required, but always appreciated! Interested in doing therapy with me? For more information on working with me directly to overcome your anxiety, follow this link.Disclaimer: The Anxious Truth is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. Listening to The Anxious Truth does not create a therapeutic relationship between you and the host or guests of the podcast. Information here is provided for psychoeducational purposes. As always, when you have questions about your own well-being, please consult your mental health and/or medical care providers. If you are having a mental health crisis, always reach out immediately for in-person help.
How To Accept Anxiety: Do What Matters (Part 3 of 3) | Ep 311
Send in a question or comment via text.When anxiety hits, how do you know what to do? This week on The Anxious Truth we're exploring how your personal values can guide your choices in anxious moments. Tune in to learn practical ways to identify and connect with your values. This can inform more productive responses when anxiety gets triggered.For full show notes on this episode: The Anxious Truth: If you find the podcast helpful and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee. Other ways to support my work like buying a book or signing up for a low cost workshop can be found on my website. None of this is never required, but always appreciated! Interested in doing therapy with me? For more information on working with me directly to overcome your anxiety, follow this link.Disclaimer: The Anxious Truth is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. Listening to The Anxious Truth does not create a therapeutic relationship between you and the host or guests of the podcast. Information here is provided for psychoeducational purposes. As always, when you have questions about your own well-being, please consult your mental health and/or medical care providers. If you are having a mental health crisis, always reach out immediately for in-person help.
How To Accept Anxiety: Open Up! (Part 2 of 3) | Ep 310
Send in a question or comment via text.How to Accept Anxiety: Opening Up to New OptionsIn this episode, we explore the second component of the ACT Triflex framework for anxiety acceptance: opening up to new possibilities. Learn why considering options when triggered—even without knowing what to do next—is a crucial step in recovery.Key Points:Understanding the ACT Triflex framework for anxiety acceptanceWhy mindfulness is essential for breaking automatic responsesHow psychological flexibility develops through small moments of choiceThe paradox of opening up to new optionsWhy confusion can actually be a sign of progressDownload A Free Guided Mindful Acceptance Exercise Show Notes On This Episode The Anxious Truth: If you find the podcast helpful and want to support my work, you can buy me a coffee. Other ways to support my work like buying a book or signing up for a low cost workshop can be found on my website. None of this is never required, but always appreciated! Interested in doing therapy with me? For more information on working with me directly to overcome your anxiety, follow this link.Disclaimer: The Anxious Truth is not therapy or a replacement for therapy. Listening to The Anxious Truth does not create a therapeutic relationship between you and the host or guests of the podcast. Information here is provided for psychoeducational purposes. As always, when you have questions about your own well-being, please consult your mental health and/or medical care providers. If you are having a mental health crisis, always reach out immediately for in-person help.
O The Anxious Truth - A Panic, Anxiety, and Mental Health Podcast
Struggling with panic attacks, agoraphobia, or other anxiety problems? The Anxious Truth will educate you, empower you, encourage you, and inspire you to get your life back! * Featured in the New York Times: "6 Podcasts to Soothe An Anxious Mind" (April 27, 2024)* Featured in Vogue Magazine: "The 15 Best Mental Health Podcasts Recommended by Therapists" (October 2023)Listen to the podcast, read the books, join the social media community, and get on the path to recovery.
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