For more than a dozen years, the Stack Overflow Podcast has been exploring what it means to be a software developer and how the art and practice of programming ...
One quality every engineering manager should have? Empathy.
CLEAR is an identity company trying to take the friction out of air travel (such as with TSA PreCheck, available through CLEAR), stadium events, and other experiences that require security screening. Find Caitlin on LinkedIn. Shoutout to Stack Overflow user Patrick Pijnappel, who earned a Populist badge with their answer to Redirect all output to file using Bash on Linux?. It’s helped 230,000 people and counting.
WBIT #4: Using GIS to understand the rivers and the lakes that you’re used to
Forerunner provides a platform for floodplain management. Do you also have gnarly caching issues? Check out an overview of how we use caching at Stack Overflow. If you want to connect with Lauren, head over to her LinkedIn page.
Why is it so hard for companies to protect your privacy?
Transcend is a data privacy and governance platform. See what they’re up to on their blog or dive into their docs.Find Minh on LinkedIn.Stack Overflow user ivanavitdev earned a Populist badge with their exceptionally thoughtful answer to How to use toSorted() method in TypeScript.
Solving the data doom loop
Hasura is a GraphQL API platform. Get started exploring here.Read Ken’s article on the data doom loop.Find Ken on LinkedIn. Shoutout to Stack Overflow user liquorvicar, who earned a Lifeboat badge with an exemplary answer to Checking value in an array inside one SQL query with WHERE clause.
A distributed database that can withstand a meteor strike
OceanBase is an open-source distributed database. Check it out on GitHub.For more information, follow OceanBase on LinkedIn, X, and YouTube.To connect with Charlie Yang, find him on LinkedIn.Got questions about OceanBase? Join the discussion here on Stack Overflow.
For more than a dozen years, the Stack Overflow Podcast has been exploring what it means to be a software developer and how the art and practice of programming is changing our world. From Rails to React, from Java to Node.js, join the Stack home team for conversations with fascinating guests to help you understand how technology is made and where it’s headed.
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