This podcast is all about answering YOUR drum-related questions. Listen as Stephen Taylor responds to the most common questions people have emailed and DMed him...
THE Surprisingly EASY Way To Learn Songs on the Drums
GET A FREE 14-DAY TRIAL MEMBERSHIP TO MY ONLINE DRUM SCHOOL: Free series on how to create drum fills: Check out the 2025 SDS Drum Camps here: In this episode of The Drum Show we are talking about learning songs on the drums. How do we learn songs on the drums quicker? How do we get better at learning songs on the drums? Do we need drum sheet music? Is drum sheet music holding us back? Let's break out some of my thoughts as a professional drummer, a drum teacher, and a lover of music. 30 Days To Better Doubles 30 Days To Better Singles
A Proven Path To GETTING GREAT At The Drums Over 50
GET A FREE 14-DAY TRIAL MEMBERSHIP TO MY ONLINE DRUM SCHOOL: Free series on how to create drum fills: Check out the 2025 SDS Drum Camps here: In this episode I get to interview one of my own students. Richard is from Puerto Rico and didn't start playing the drums until after the age of 50. Now he's playing in bands and gigging out all of the time. Here's how he did it. 30 Days To Better Doubles 30 Days To Better Singles
Is Sheet Music KILLING Your Drumming?
GET A FREE 14-DAY TRIAL MEMBERSHIP TO MY ONLINE DRUM SCHOOL: Free series on how to create drum fills: Check out the 2025 SDS Drum Camps here: I get it...sometimes we practice and practice the drums but we still don't feel like we can play them very well. Here's some tips to help you get out of that drumming rut. 30 Days To Better Doubles 30 Days To Better Singles
Feel Like You Can't Play the Drums? Here's What To Do
GET A FREE 14-DAY TRIAL MEMBERSHIP TO MY ONLINE DRUM SCHOOL: Free series on how to create drum fills: Check out the 2025 SDS Drum Camps here: I get it...sometimes we practice and practice the drums but we still don't feel like we can play them very well. Here's some tips to help you get out of that drumming rut. 30 Days To Better Doubles 30 Days To Better Singles
10 Best Practices For Beginner Drummers
GET A FREE 14-DAY TRIAL MEMBERSHIP TO MY ONLINE DRUM SCHOOL: Free series on how to create drum fills: Check out the 2025 SDS Drum Camps here: Being a beginner drummer can seem daunting. This drum lesson on the Drum Show podcast will help you get a head start and give you the confidence that you are doing things the right way. 30 Days To Better Doubles 30 Days To Better Singles
This podcast is all about answering YOUR drum-related questions. Listen as Stephen Taylor responds to the most common questions people have emailed and DMed him over the last decade as an online drum educator.