Run smarter, not harder! Amanda Brooks and Laura Norris, MS bring their combined 20 years of coaching experience to break down common running myths, running tip...
Blisters, Lost Toenails, Cramps, and More: How to Deal with Common Running Problems
Most runners inevitably deal with these minor issues - blisters, black toenails, chafing, and more. They aren’t full injuries, but they certainly are inconvenient and uncomfortable. We guide you through how to prevent these, how to treat them, and if you can run through them when they happen. In this episode, you’ll learn how to deal with:Calf crampsBlistersChafingBlack toenailsNumb toes during a runRed and itchy legs while runningSide stitchesSunburnsResources: episode is sponsored by Previnex! Previnex creates clinically effective supplements made with high-quality ingredients. Their probiotic provides 30 million CFUS with six bacteria strains - and unlike other brands, their probiotic works! Use the code treadlightly for 15% off your first order at us on Patreon at PMID: 34185846PMID: 31696455PMID: 25178498💻 Visit and for thousands of free articles on all things running, from training tips to gear reviews. 🎙️ Please rate, review, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or follow and comment on Spotify. If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend! 👉 Follow us @treadlightlyrunning @runtothefinish and @lauranorrisrunning on Instagram!
Can Plyometrics Help You Run Faster?
If a 10-15 minute investment each week helped you run faster, would you do it? In this episode, we explore plyometrics for runners and how they can help you run faster with just a few minutes per week - when done correctly. In this episode, you’ll learn:What are plyometric exercises?How runners can benefit from plyometricsHow to incorporate plyometrics into your routineWho should NOT do plyometricsSample plyometric exercisesCommon plyometric mistakes to avoidReferences:PMID: 38165636PMID: 33956587PMID: 32163923Haff & Triplett, Essentials of Strength and Conditioning. Human KineticsJoin us on Patreon at💻 Visit and for thousands of free articles on all things running, from training tips to gear reviews. 🎙️ Please rate, review, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or follow and comment on Spotify. If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend! 👉 Follow us @treadlightlyrunning @runtothefinish and @lauranorrisrunning on Instagram!
Ketones, Sodium Bicarb, and Other Supplements for Runners
Ketones, bicarb, creatine, and more - there are more supplements for runners on the market now more than ever. We discuss some of the most popular supplements for runners, including the research, potential benefits, risks, and more. In this episode, you’ll learn about:Branched chain amino acids (BCAAs)Ketone monoester supplementationSodium bicarbonate (“bicarb”) supplementsBlack currant supplementsCreatine for runnersThis episode is general guidance. Please consult a medical profession for individual guidance when selecting supplements. This episode is sponsored by Previnex! Previnex creates clinically effective supplements made with high-quality ingredients. Their Muscle Health Plus contains third-party tested creatine monohydrate, BCAAs, and other ingredients to reduce muscle soreness and improve muscle mass and strength. Use the code treadlightly for 15% off your first order at PMID: 28638350PMID: 20386134PMID: 38625669PMID: 16365087PMID: 37185454PMID: 31730565PMID: 32269653PMID: 31699159PMID: 31039280PMID: 37565450PMID: 38612966PMID: 39068627PMID: 34756350PMID: 34503527PMID: 33487131PMID: 34470913PMID: 29619595PMID: 32460873PMID: 37096381Jeukendrup & Gleeson. (2016) Sport Nutrition, 3rd edition. Human Kinetics.💻 Visit and for thousands of free articles on all things running, from training tips to gear reviews. 🎙️ Please rate, review, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or follow and comment on Spotify. If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend! 👉 Follow us @treadlightlyrunning @runtothefinish and @lauranorrisrunning on Instagram!
Becoming a Sustainable Runner with Tina Muir
We sat down for a thought-provoking discussion with Tina Muir, former elite runner and sustainability advocate. Tina brings a balanced and accessible approach to how runners can reduce environmental waste and make small, effective changes for climate justice. Tina hosts the Running for Real podcast, on which she discusses climate justice and social change. She is the co-author of Becoming a Sustainable Runner, is the Sustainability Director of the 2025 World Road Running Championships, and has assisted numerous races in their sustainability initiatives. In this episode, you’ll learn about: Why sustainability matters for runners How are habits as runners can build into sustainability Running-specific changes for sustainability Does purchasing carbon offsets help? How offset environmental waste around your races How you can recycle gel wrappers, etc How small actions compound The impact of racing locally vs destination racesYou can connect with Tina: for Real podcastTinamuir88 on Instagram💻 Visit and for thousands of free articles on all things running, from training tips to gear reviews. 🎙️ Please rate, review, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or follow and comment on Spotify. If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend! 👉 Follow us @treadlightlyrunning @runtothefinish and @lauranorrisrunning on Instagram!
How to PR in the Marathon
After completing a marathon or two, most runners set their sights on running their fastest marathon. However, when you train for a marathon PR, it’s too easy to fall into the trap of overreaching, or to end up injured. In this episode, we’ll guide you through how to train for a marathon PR - and actually reach that PR on race day. The advice is this episode is targeted towards intermediate and experienced marathoners; if you are running your first marathon, we recommend tuning into episode 17 (how to run your first marathon). In this episode, you’ll learn about:Mindset in training for a marathon PRHow to adjust if you are sick on race dayHow many weeks do you need to train for a marathon PR?How to build a racing schedule for a marathon PR goalWhat to change in your training to run your fastest marathonHow much intensity should you do in marathon training?Join us on Patreon: episode is sponsored by Previnex! Previnex creates clinically effective supplements made with high-quality ingredients. Their probiotic provides 30 million CFUS with six bacteria strains - and unlike other brands, their probiotic works! Use the code treadlightly for 15% off your first order at PMID: 39616560PMID: 39616560💻 Visit and for thousands of free articles on everything running, from training tips to gear reviews. You can also find Laura Norris Running on Youtube!🎙️ Please rate, review, and subscribe on Apple Podcasts or follow and comment on Spotify. If you enjoyed this episode, please share with a friend! 👉 Follow us @treadlightlyrunning @runtothefinish and @lauranorrisrunning on Instagram!
Run smarter, not harder! Amanda Brooks and Laura Norris, MS bring their combined 20 years of coaching experience to break down common running myths, running tips, and more. We provide evidence-based running tips for runners of all distances and experiences.