The Love, Soul, Miracles and Magick Podcast empowers and inspires women from all cultures and backgrounds to embrace themselves spiritually. Each woman and man ...
Energetic Self Care, Spiritual Protection & being an Empowered Empath with Psychic Medium Natalee Finn
Natalee Finn is a Spiritual Healer and Teacher, a Divine Channel, a Speaker, a Medium, an Intuitive Coach and Mum to Michael. She is a Libran with a Pisces rising, a Lover of Nature, a Dream Ignitor and a Spiritual Seeker. Her heart and soul lights up seeing others connecting to their own intuition and she has guided thousands of people, helping them to connect with their own spiritual pathway. She teaches a variety of soul nourishing events and courses, and her dream is for everyone to find peace in their life, to connect to the beauty of their soul, and be guided by the Divine presence of love.Natalee is also known for speaking at a range of different Spiritual Events, such as the Australian Mind, Body, Spirit Festival, where she gives talks and readings from the Angels, Ascended Masters, Spirit Guides and departed loved ones in the Spirit World. Contact Natalee through her Instagram or website to book in a session or a workshop with her.Natalee's Instagram: @natalee_finnNatalee's Website: nataleefinn.comIn this episode we talk about - The Empath and the different types of Empaths - Awareness of your energy field- Self love and empowerment - Energetic and spiritual self care - Psychic protection - The super powers of the Empath
Womb Healing, Shakti Yoga and Breast Massage with Jasmine Rose
Jasmine Rose is a Yogini and Women’s Temple Keeper, devoted to the Feminine Mysteries. She is the Foundress of the Shakti Yoga School where she teaches and trains facilitators in her Womb-Centred Yoga Method specifically designed for the female body. She is a Wise Womb Medicine Practitioner and has been guiding women to awaken their embodied wisdom since 2014 on retreats, women circles and one-on-one sessions. Her devotion to the Feminine began with her own distinct awakening of Shakti, and the subsequent initiations that followed. She lives in reverence to the sacred feminine power within herself and all of creation. Her passion and gift is in creating sacred and beautiful spaces for women to feel, heal and awaken to their inner power, creativity and wisdom. Jasmine brings her wealth of experience from 15 years as a teacher and a first class honours degree in Psychology, but most of all considers herself a humble apprentice of the Goddess.You can contact Jasmine Rose and explore her offerings here: Yoga Online Course Shakti Yoga Teacher Training In this episode we talk about - - Awakening the Shakti feminine frequency - Divine feminine Remembrance - Shakti Yoga School - Women's Shakti yoga classes - Women's Temples - Creating a space for the sisterhood - Sacred embodiment through sisterhood connection - Jasmine's feminine awakening journey - Dark night of the soul and her Saturn Return - The messy part of awakening - The empath narcissist connection - The Goddess entry point and initiation - Unique themes on the spiritual path - Kundalini yoga awakening - Kundalini as a force of creativity - Grounding and preparing Kundalini energies - Sexual awakening and reclaiming your sexuality - Divine masculine energies and Divine feminine energies- The womb space, the birthing centre and the powers of the womb - Shakti yoga training - Womb healing - Acknowledging the power of your womb - Re-connecting to the womb - Self womb massage - The Blood Mysteries - Cleaning the womb space - The connection with the womb and the voice - Somatic womb connection with Shakti yoga - Womb connection to the mother lineage - Activating and awakening the womb - Reclaiming of the body and womb space after birth - Maiden, Mother and Crone - Breast massage - The different directions for Breast massage - Self care and nature
A Sacred Heart’s Journey: Cacao, Mother Earth & the Elements with Simone of Elementals Love Aloha
Simone upholds a special relationship with the Elements and Mother Earth. This relationship stems from many lifetimes of exploring rituals and undertaking sacred plant medicine ceremonies, following shamanic ancient traditions and the rites of passage and honouring his plants and human teachers.He came into his body in the Northern Hemisphere, in a little town surrounded by mountains, rivers, forest and wildlife. Simone has been moving around since a young age looking for a place to call home, when he finally realised that this place is within him, in the heart centre, Anahata.Simone is a space holder, ceremonialist and Reiki Master, who draws upon different tools in his offerings in reverence of the lineage that he has be initiated in. The connection between Simone and Cacao medicine is profound, full of respect and reverence.You can reach out to Simone through his Instagram @elementalslovealohaor on his website elementalslovealoha.comIn this podcast we talk about: - Simone's spiritual journey - Helping people step into their heart space and move through fear - Opening to Reiki and channeling Reiki for others- Simone's experience with past lives - Deepening his spiritual journey with meditation and yoga - Past life regression and healing trauma - Becoming vegetarian and then vegan - Clearing out energy - Feeling the calling of cacao - Cacao ceremonies and connecting to the medicine of cacao - Cacao medicine journey- Clearing his heart and connecting with Mother Nature - Shamanic journeying and past lives - Shamanic journeying with cacao - Releasing energy and re-connecting with the heart through shamanic journeying - Simone's cacao and sound healing ceremonies - Simone's experience with holding space for a lot of people Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother
Embodied Living, Reconnecting to our Body's Wisdom with Nancy Jackson
Nancy Jackson is an embodiment teacher, sound and energy healer, and intuitive channel of wisdom and vision. She guides men and women to rediscover their true selves, shift conditioned patterns and fears with ease, and illuminate their sacred soul magic through embodiment, empowerment, and spiritual path enlightenment. Her mission as a steward for peace on earth is to help raise the heart light frequency of the collective consciousness to usher in the Golden In this podcast episode we talk about: - The frequency of Mother Mary and her Angels - The Queen of Angels - Mary Magdalene - Nancy's soul mission- Star people coming through for the podcast - Helping people connect with their soul - Trust, surrender and safety - Connecting with our inner gnosis and wisdom - Accessing our wisdom library - Trusting your intuition - Coming back into our body to access higher wisdom - Finding safety in our bodies - Our compass is in our heart - Spiritual energies - Magdalene frequency and how she's helping us - Mary Magdalene as our twin soul - Devotion, sacredness and embodiment- Aligning and grounding - Anointing and anchoring with the earth energy - The underworld - Starting the morning with grounding and the root chakra - Creating a spiritual practice to help ground your mission - Spiritual maturity- Nancy's spiritual journey - Lemuria, Venus and Hathor - Allowing the inner child to speak - Healing the inner child aspects - Finding your own voice - Finding the strength in your voice - The patience and the unfolding - Connecting in with the higher chakras - Connecting in with the divine mother and star people - Your dedicated spiritual team - The elementals and the lower realms Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother
Astral Travel, Lucid & Prophetic Dreams with Chantelle Salisbury
Chantelle Salisbury is an energy alchemist that works with various tools in unearthing the true magic that's in each of us! She uses things such as reiki energy, sound healing, crystal healing, psychic development, intuitive card readings, angel numbers, angel numerology, holistic counselling and her guides to assist clients. She is a nature lover, and has a double earth astrology of Taurus and Virgo rising star signs. She has a deep love of all things in the spiritual world which began when she was quite young, and she was always intrigued by magic and the unexplained which she wasn't able to explore until she was older. Chantelle's Contact Details: Instagram: @unearthedenergyhealingsWebsite: this episode we talk about: - Astral Travel - Soul Projection into other dimensions - Visiting friends in your dreams - Out of body experience whilst dreaming - Fears of astro travel - Meeting up with different entities - Astral travel to meet with people to have interactions like healing - Do you have to be asleep to access astral travel? - Astral travel for space exploration - Astral travel to visit aliens - Protection and boundaries for astral travel - Having a positive mindset for astral travel and lucid dreaming - Being grounded for astral travel - Using crystals for astral travel - Lucid dreaming - Lucid dreaming connecting to us through our guides - Lucid dreaming as a healing state - Meeting up with past loved ones through lucid dreaming- Yoga and meditation and lucid dreaming - Prophetic dreams - Dreams coming true - Predicting the future - Psychics and predictions Follow Mel on Instagram: @therosemother
O Love, Soul, Miracles and Magick with Mel Madgwick
The Love, Soul, Miracles and Magick Podcast empowers and inspires women from all cultures and backgrounds to embrace themselves spiritually. Each woman and man who comes on the podcast shares how they've come into their spiritual awakening, the challenges they've had on the journey and what the spiritual path means to them. They step into the role of an ancient and wise Priestess or Priest - to share what spiritual life is like from their embodied perspective, to honour what sacredness they've come to be of service to. As we are a part of the sacred feminine movement within humanity, here on the Love, Soul, Miracles and Magick Podcast. We often discuss topics that can be difficult to talk about - The integration and healing journey of the sacred feminine, the sisterhood, witch and money wounds. And of course the blessings and miracles we have received along the way. We cover the journey through the veils of higher consciousness from the perspective of the divine feminine, reclaiming our soul gifts, sovereignty and truth of who we are as well as moving back into our miracle mindset, intuitive personal power and divine presence. If you have a spiritual story to share on the podcast and you're a light worker, reach out to me on Instagram: @therosemother, I'd love to hear from you. Mel x. Advertising and media enquiries - Instagram: @therosemotherAbout Mel: Devotional Spiritual Author. Mother Mary and Angelic Channel. Sacred Feminine Women’s Health Advocate. Somatic Trauma Counsellor. Podcaster & Priestess. Mel Sienna Madgwick is a Devotional Author, Podcaster, Priestess and Channel whose vision is to uplift and awaken the humanity of woman through the teachings of the sacred feminine. Mel's work started in Journalism, Publishing and Media at the age of 15 where she started her career working for high profile women's magazines and large corporate organisations. When Mel was 17 her Grandmother Yvonne, suggested she travel the world. And so she did and went on a pilgrimage to many sacred and spiritual lands to over 33 countries through Europe and the Uk, this trip sparked a further divine connection within and her spiritual world blossomed, leading to an inexplicable connection with Mother Mary. She was initiated into Priestess temples of Mother Mary through the direct spiritual experience of gnosis and she has worked with her for over 22 years as her main spiritual guide. Ever since Mel has experienced Mother Mary's healing miracles first hand - and has worked together with her main guides Mother Mary, the Angels and the Masters of the Ancient Holy lineage within her holistic healing and counselling sessions watching her clients experience miraculous healings - clearing past and present trauma, emotional, spiritual physical blocks and inner child healing leading them to a greater awareness of their into reclaiming their sacred feminine truth, connection with the heavens and the earth, soul purpose and intuitive callings. Mel now combines her passions of writing and spirituality to channel and write books about the sacred feminine, she is a full time Devotional Author & Channel. With a Masters in Journalism and Communications, a Masters in Counselling specialising in women's Intergenerational Trauma and Relationships, and further training within women's rights, Integrative Somatic Trauma Psychology, Ancestral and Racial Advocacy from New York's Embodiment Lab she aspires to instill a sense of empowerment, wisdom and unity amongst women. Mel's podcast 'Love, Soul, Miracles and Magick' features interviews and stories on spiritual awakening, holistic healing and soul embodiment.