The global politics podcast at the end of the End of History. Politics is back but it’s stranger than ever: join us as we chart a course beyond the age of ’bung...
/477/ Talking Turkey in the Group Chat ft. Djene Bajalan
On Erdogan's World and the revolt against it.
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Historian Djene Bajalan joins George and Alex to review the past month – ceasefires in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, winning and losing US patronage, Trump's inconsistent strategy and leaks, and the gold rush. We then turn to a country exemplary of the contradictions of the end of the End of History: Türkiye. And finish by answering your questions and comments on internationalism, free speech, Die Linke, anti-immigration, and domination.
What's driving the protests and how do they compare to past revolts against Erdogan?
What is the meaning of charges – corruption & terrorism – against Istanbul mayor and potential opposition leader İmamoğlu?
Who is the opposition?
What has sustained Erdogan's rule – repression, conservatism, modernisation, growth?
Why is Erdogan one of the winners of the past 20 years, and how is he a world-historic figure?
Erdoğan's new world order, Lily Lynch, UnHerd
/339/ Erdogone? People vs Nation in Turkey ft. Alp Kayserilioglu
Kultur Kampf TR, Selim Koru, Substack
/476/ Freedom against the New Nihilism ft. Jensen Suther
On critical theory and autonomy.
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Jensen Suther, a junior fellow at Harvard working in philosophy and literature, talks to Alex H and contributing editor Alex Gourevitch about art, culture, and socialism. He also offers a riposte to previous guest Anna Kornbluh's discussion of immediacy, and its cultural forms such as autoficition.
What does Suther think Kornbluh gets wrong – and right – in her critique of contemporary culture?
How autonomous is art from society and the economy?
To what extent can we tie cultural forms to deep changes in the economy?
What is the right response to the historical defeat of the working class? What does it mean for critical theory?
What is the difference between immanent critique and critique from the outside – and how dow this relate to freedom?
And what does it matter if you read Hegel right?
The Theory of Immediacy or the Immediacy of Theory?, Jensen Suther,
/458/ The Society of Pure Vibe ft. Anna Kornbluh
/473/ Make Alienation Great Again ft. Todd McGowan (features a different response to the question about critical theory after the defeat of the working class)
Jensen's thread on X on capitalist totality and the end of the working class
Jensen's thread on X on the return to Hegel, against economic determinism
/475/ Class Power: Professionals, Petits and Proles ft. Dan Evans
On class formation, fragmentation, pessimism and optimism.
George and contributing editor Leigh Phillips talk to Dan Evans, a writer and academic based in South Wales. We discuss his piece in the New Socialist, ‘Is the Working Class Back?’ and themes emerging from it.
How important are definitions of class?
If the working class remains weak and fragmented, and its politics increasingly chaotic, what is to be done?
How does Gabriel Winant's pessimism about the industrial working class compare to Evans'?
What are the class contradictions of the contemporary Left?
Who is the real oppositional class today? Should we be more positive about the petite bourgeoisie?
Is the Working Class Back?, Dan Evans, New Socialist
A Nation of Shopkeepers: The Unstoppable Rise of the Petty Bourgeoisie, Dan Evans, Repeater Books
/349/ The PMC & Their Politics ft. Dan Evans & Catherine Liu
/474/ Urban Power in a Planet of Slums ft. Ben Bradlow
On cities and the politics of development.
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Ben Bradlow, assistant professor of sociology and international affairs at Princeton, talks to Alex about his book Urban Power: Democracy and Inequality in São Paulo and Johannesburg.
If our future is urban – and it is – why is it different to what we imagined?
Are Johannesburg and São Paulo representative of what is going on in cities?
How did democratic promise and neoliberal disappointment go together in the 1990s, through to today?
What has been the role of social movements (e.g. for housing) in transforming cities and municipal government?
Is the radical right in the global North and South fundamentally different? What is the urban dimension?
What does China's lead in industries like electric vehicles mean for countries like Brazil?
Is industrial upgrading possible under post-neoliberalism?
Urban Power: Democracy and Inequality in São Paulo and Johannesburg, Benjamin Bradlow, Princeton UP
A processual framework for understanding the rise of the populist right: the case of Brazil (2013–2018), Tomás Gold and Benjamin Bradlow, Social Forces
Embedded Autonomy: States and Industrial Transformation, Peter Evans, Princeton UP
/473/ Make Alienation Great Again ft. Todd McGowan
On Embracing Alienation.
Todd McGowan is back on the pod, talking to George and Alex about his book, Embracing Alienation: Why We Shouldn't Try To Find Ourselves.
Why is alienation good actually? What does it give us?
How is alienation related to subjectivity and freedom?
What is the problem with anti-alienation politics of Left and Right?
What happened to the 1960s concern with alienation, where did it go?
Why is an embrace of the public realm, against therapy culture, the right response?
What is the task of critical theory today?
/167/ The Kingdom of God Is on Main Street ft. Todd McGowan
Embracing Alienation: Why We Shouldn't Try To Find Ourselves
The global politics podcast at the end of the End of History. Politics is back but it’s stranger than ever: join us as we chart a course beyond the age of ’bunga bunga’. Interviews, long-form discussions, docu-series.