The Super German and English Language Learner Podcast
Aidan O'Rourke
Hi, I'm Aidan and this is my podcast! The Super German and English Language Learner Podcast, presented in English and focusing on German and English. I'm a lang...
Holiday Regions in Germany - Urlaubsregionen in Deutschland - Episode 09
In this episode of the Super German Language Learner Podcast, I look at over 60 holiday regions - Urlaubsregionen in Germany. They are not displayed on the map, but people in Germany often talk about them and visit them for holidays / tourism. I have referred to the excellent map on this website - Look at the map as I read through the regions and give information about them. Many thanks for listening! In diesem Video stelle ich mehr als 60 Urlaubsregionen in Deutschland vor. Du findest sie nicht auf der Landkarte, zumindest die meisten. Die Menschen in Deutschland gehen oft in ihrer Freizeit dorthin, or um Urlaub zu machen. Bitte schau die Website an. Auf der Homepage findest du eine ausgezeichnete Landkarte der Urlaubsregionen und auch viele Informationen. Vielen Dank fürs Zuhören!
Mein Besuch in München - My visit to Munich - Super German Language Learner Podcast 008
In this podcast I share my Reisebericht or travelogue - about my day visit to Munich - München,. It's written in clear German and is suitable for people learning German at A2 or B1 level. I mention places I've visited, including BMW Welt, the BMW Museum, Munich Airport Visitors Centre for the Airport Live Tour and the city centre, the new town hall the Marienkirche - the cathedral. The main language point is the perfect tense. I read out a list of the verbs used in the text to help you to familiarise yourself with them. I refer to my six-point language learning checklist which summarises the things we focus on when working with content, whether in writing or spoken. The shownotes are on my Buy Me A Coffee pages. Just go to and look for Besuch in München. You can buy me a coffee if you like, but you don't have to! Du kannst mir eine Tasse Kaffee kaufen, wenn du willst, aber du musst nicht!
All about the word 'love' in English, presented in the style of storytelling dictionary
This episode focuses on the English language, it's making a kind of guest appearance. It's related to the previous episode on the word in German for love, which is 'Liebe'.I take you on a meandering random journey through the various meanings, varieties and connotations of the word 'love'.I'm fascinated by words, whether in English or other languages. They are all interrelated. Love is one of the most commonly used words in all languages but there are many hidden and neglected aspects to its use, pronunciation and meaning. I talk about a notable change in the meaning of the word during the 20th century, reflecting changing social attitudes. We hear about specific uses both in the English spoken in England and in North America.Most of my students at the moment are learning German with me, but about one third of them are non-native speakers of English, and most of them need to improve their English too. To read and copy the shownotes, go to and you can buy me a coffee if you like!
All about 'die Liebe' the word for 'Love' The Magic of Words in German SG6
For this episode of the Super German Language Learner Podcast, I recorded an spoken word version of an article from the series, original title 'The Magic of German Words'. I've changed it to the Magic of Words in German. In each article - written in English, embedded with German - I focus on a topic and look at the words in the German language used to describe it, in this case 'die Liebe' and all its variations. 'Ich liebe dich' is known even by people who don't know German, along with 'je t'aime' in French. I discuss the related terms such as the difference between 'Ich liebe dich' and 'Ich habe dich lieb', very important in a relationship! I have a long list of 'Magic of Words' titles which I have already written and intend to transfer into podcast format. This is the first one. The shownotes for this episode are available to my students and supporters. This is the sixth episode of the Super German Language Learner podcast.
City-Bericht München - City Report Munich = German lesson on facts about Munich.
This is another episode in my City-Bericht or City-Report series, this one is in clear German written by me. We listen to the article, I explain vocab and language points and we answer a few comprehension questions. It's a lesson based on a lesson I taught with students. There's a transcript in the shownotes, available to my students and supporters. Please note I changed the name from Super Language Learner Podcast to Super German Language Learner Podcast to show that the main language focus is German. Please support the Super German Language Learner Podcast by AOR Languages on Buy Me A Coffee and Patreon.
O The Super German and English Language Learner Podcast
Hi, I'm Aidan and this is my podcast! The Super German and English Language Learner Podcast, presented in English and focusing on German and English. I'm a language learner and teacher with many years experience and lots of ideas. I have near-native competency in German, a good level in French and I'm familiar with many other languages at a basic level. I'm a native speaker of English.Super German Language Learner episodes are presented in English focusing on German language and how it relates to English and other languages.Super English Language Learner epidodes are presented in English, focusing on the English language and how it's related to German and other languages.I will share my ideas on language learning and show you how you can be a more effective language learner by working with various types of content, because the best way to learn a language is not by trying to learn grammar or doing tests, but consuming interesting and useful content, such as short texts, social media posts, interviews, news reports, dialogues and lots more combined with lots of repetition and practice.It's a 'how to' guide for learning all languages, with interesting and useful content in German, English and other languages for you to work with and learn from.
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