The Fragmented Podcast is the leading Android developer podcast started by Kaushik Gopal & Donn Felker. Our goal is to help you become a better Android Develope...
257 - Future of AndroidDev in an AI world with Vinay Gaba
Join us as we talk with Vinay Gaba, Android GDE and leading voice in Android development, about the future of the field. Vinay shares insights from interviews with top Android devs on their three-year predictions, and offers his own perspective. We cover AI's impact, evolving development roles, and crucial future skills.You can find the full shownotes over at NotesVinay's personal websiteDispatch - Jetpack Compose newsletterIssue #11 - Future of AndroidDevCursor AI IDEJetbrains AI assistantJetbrains Junie - the coding agentPessimists avoid risk, Optimists change the world.Contact usfragmentedpodcast.comContact (links to everything)ThreadsBlueskyYoutube@kaushikgopal
256 - Rapid prototyping with Kotlin
In this episode, we dive into the power of rapid prototyping for Android developers using Kotlin. We explore how this crucial skill can impress stakeholders, accelerate your workflow, and help you stay ahead in today's fast-paced tech landscape. We'll cover use cases across scripting, web development (with Ktor & HTMX), mobile apps (Jetpack Compose), and even touch upon how AI is changing the game!You can find the full shownotes over at NotesSimple scriptingState of Kotlin Scripting 2024 - Jetbrains blogKotlin mini-app repo playground-ktAdvent of CodeWeb sitesHugo static site generatorCloudflare PagesSlashdot effectFragmented Podcast Website powered by Henry (Kaushik's custom theme)Web appsKtorHTMXAjaxCSS TransitionsServer Sent EventsYoutube Video showing Ktor + HTMXMobile appsEpisode 252 talking about playground-androidFlutterKotlin Multiplatform KMPReact NativeLLM Based appsStreamlit.Snowflake acquires StreamlitGoogle AI StudioKotlin AIVibe coding an AirBnb cloneContact usfragmentedpodcast.comContact (links to everything)ThreadsBlueskyYoutube@kaushikgopal
255 - Data Oriented Programming
In this episode, we dive into the programming paradigm — Data Oriented Programming (DOP) and why making data the star can simplify your code. Learn how well-modeled data reduces defensive logic, prevents invalid states, and keeps your apps stable. We’ll also contrast DOP with Object Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP), sharing practical examples, tips, and resource links to deepen your understanding.The full shownotes with illustrations are on Notes[announcement] Fragmented has an email newsletter.Programming ParadigmsObject Oriented ProgrammingFunctional ProgrammingData Oriented Programming (DOP)UUIDRFC 4122Kotlin now includes UUID in the standard lib even for kotlin multiplatform.ResourcesBrian Goetz's seminal article on DOPTies Van de Ven Advanced Kotlin Dev Day in 2022Data Oriented Programming in Java by Chris Kiehl (by Manning Publications)Devoxx talk by Nicolai Parlog on youtubeContact usfragmentedpodcast.comContact (links to everything)ThreadsBlueskyYoutube@kaushikgopal
254 - 8× faster 5× memory savings with Dan Rusu’s Immutable Arrays
In this episode, discover how Dan Rusu’s pods4k Immutable Arrays library can deliver 2–8× speed boosts and 5× lower memory usage in Kotlin/Android apps. We first revisit the fundamentals of autoboxing/unboxing and immutability to understand their impact on performance. Then we hear from Dan himself on his library, motiviations for building it, how the benchmarks were calculated and much much more. Our grand finale episode for 2024. Hope you enjoy it!Full Shownotes at NotesImmutable Arrays on githubImmutability episode #66 on Immutability with Ryan HarterJMH - Java Microbenchmark HarnessImmutable Arrays Benchmarks page for Immutable Arrays (pods4k)Dan's post - Kotlin avoids entire categories of Java defectsK2 compilerDan RusuWebsitepods4k github discussionsContact usfragmentedpodcast.comContact (links to everything)ThreadsBlueskyYoutube@kaushikgopalDisclaimer: Links shared might be affiliate links. They help support the production of Fragmented. Thank you for your support.
253 - logcat - a new look at logging with Piwai from Square
Kaushik looks at a new logging library from Square called logcat. He starts by seeing how the popular Timber library does it along with the benefits. He then interviews Pierre-Yves Ricau (Piwai) of Square, the creator of logcat, to explore its origins and advantages.You can find the full shownotes over at NotesTimberlogcatMotivations in READMECompiler plugin issuePlayground android app demonstrating logcatbitdrift.ioDesign of everyday thingsPrevious episode #191 on loggingContact Piwai:WebsiteBlueskyContactYou can find us on a few places:fragmentedpodcast.comContact (links to everything)ThreadsBlueskyYoutube@kaushikgopalDisclaimer: Links shared might be affiliate links. They help support the production of Fragmented. Thank you for your support.
The Fragmented Podcast is the leading Android developer podcast started by Kaushik Gopal & Donn Felker. Our goal is to help you become a better Android Developer through conversation & to capture the zeitgeist of Android development. We chat about topics such as Testing, Dependency Injection, Patterns and Practices, useful libraries, and much more. We will also be interviewing some of the top developers out there. Subscribe now and join us on the journey of becoming a better Android Developer.
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