If you sleep eight hours, there's sixteen hours left with which to work. One cigarette in the front dummy pack and last night’s dessert is known in today’s lymphatic massage. The ice cream behind the topping, forgotten. A soft arrow. Finding anchors during self-checkout meltdowns. Nostalgia is the big killer. Shallow breaths while watching TV and Toto toilet’s eagerness to receive your piss. A letter’s formation on the page may or may not be relevant. Is that Orion bathing in the big dipper? Dreams really kick in after hour nine. Cuarón. Tongue stretching to the sky, paying for local pesticides, and mystical revelations.
🎙️ Rate and Review. 🌟 Premium Feed: Subscribe🛍️ Shop Our Favorites: Shop My Store👕 Official Merch: Merchtable Store📱 Instagram: @poogpodcast Produced and Edited by: Annie BernsteinAssistant Producer: Melba SilwanyAudio Engineer: Scott LewisMusic by: Naomi McPherson
Episode 018: "Cheap, Fast, and Good"
The hags are at a crossroads when it comes to brewing tea. To see a three-inch text, be touched by it, then be swept in the current of life. A read receipts reveal. Four serums, but who was the hero? Jacqueline drafts an auto-reply. Kate sees herself in the face of coin. Beetlejuice on a vision board? For lack of a better word…yeah. Don’t get your neck adjusted. The rise of subtle before and afters. To order out of pocket and have something waiting downstairs. The results of the dermaplaning have equalized. Drinking Cortados since long before it became…Trenley. Kate has a new favorite skin tint spf serum she saves the reveal for the premium feed.
🎙️ Rate and Review. 🌟 Premium Feed: Subscribe🛍️ Shop Our Favorites: Shop My Store👕 Official Merch: Merchtable Store📱 Instagram: @poogpodcast Produced and Edited by: Annie BernsteinAssistant Producer: Melba SilwanyAudio Engineer: Scott LewisMusic by: Naomi McPherson
Episode 017: "No Precious Outcomes"
Construction paper, doilies, hearts drawn with varying depths of cleavage. Empty restaurants on Wednesday evenings. The Grove at closing time. A life in the arts rejects the calendar in favor of Valentine’s dinner on the 15th. The High School self misrepresented. Thespians, athletes, badges, and cut grass. Dating advice cannot save you, but have your fun hunting it down. Boom.This episode is sponsored by BetterHelp
🎙️ Rate and Review. 🌟 Premium Feed: Subscribe🛍️ Shop Our Favorites: Shop My Store👕 Official Merch: Merchtable Store📱 Instagram: @poogpodcast Produced and Edited by: Annie BernsteinAssistant Producer: Melba SilwanyAudio Engineer: Scott LewisMusic by: Naomi McPherson
Episode 016: "Advil, The Musical"
Agamemnon cries in the margins of The Odyssey. Honored to fear nature, the glacier melts in a time-lapse. Alka-Seltzer’s effervescence. Still waiting on Koia to send pallets. Would you rather a rickety bridge or a narrow beam across a deep ravine?
🎙️ Rate and Review. 🌟 Premium Feed: Subscribe🛍️ Shop Our Favorites: Shop My Store👕 Official Merch: Merchtable Store📱 Instagram: @poogpodcast Produced and Edited by: Annie BernsteinAssistant Producer: Melba SilwanyAudio Engineer: Scott LewisMusic by: Naomi McPherson
Episode 015: "All Creative Women Are Alone"
NOTE: This episode was recorded before the devastating fires in Los Angeles began. Looking for a way to directly support those affected by the LA fires? Visit this link.A huge clock in every room changes everything. Virgin as an adjective, not waiting for seed. Reading is the only thing—it’s all that’s left—and it’s sitting there, waiting. Is there any value in a human producing sense? Dreams are more real than reality. A delivery robot named Esau delivers Elmo to a chimp. Jacqueline frees Kate to book the flight a day out.
🎙️ Rate and Review. 🌟 Premium Feed: Subscribe🛍️ Shop Our Favorites: Shop My Store👕 Official Merch: Merchtable Store📱 Instagram: @poogpodcast Produced and Edited by: Annie BernsteinAssistant Producer: Melba SilwanyAudio Engineer: Scott LewisMusic by: Naomi McPherson