A dharma talk given at the Windhorse Zen Community by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei. Sunya Sensei was sanctioned to teach by Roshi Philip Kapleau, founder of the Roches...
In all the mystical traditions of various religions, love is oft discussed, but it is seldom mentioned in Zen Buddhism. In this recent teisho from early March of 2025, Roshi Sunya Kjolhede discusses how love can be a tricky word to define or experience—but also how wholehearted Zen practice helps dig up the concrete of views and judgements to rediscover the "living greeness" of our own depths right here. To donate or learn more about Sunya-roshi and Windhorse's Dharma work in Western North Carolina, please go to windhorsezen.org
A Living Practice In An Unravelling Time
In this recent and timely dharma talk from the end of February 2025, Roshi Sunya Kjolhede discusses the anxieties of our time and how despair is not an option. It's only through deep practice with a radical love that we can open to the chaos and tumult around us.
The Importance of Being Nobody
In this Dharma talk from May 2024, Roshi Sunya Kjolhede uses the Eight Worldly Winds teaching of the Buddha to show that Zen practice is a radical departure from the whirlwind of our buy/sell society. She also discusses Case #26 of the Mumonkan, Two Monks Roll Up The Blinds. To donate or learn more about Sunya-roshi and Windhorse's Dharma work in Western North Carolina, please go to windhorsezen.org
How to Take the Practice Home
In this talk given on April 28, 2024 at the Windhorse Zen Community outside of Asheville, NC, Roshi Sunya Kjolhede discusses tips on how to take Zen home. She focuses on body practices such as the use of the eyes, centering your attention on your hara (lower belly), and chanting—among many others. To donate or learn more about Sunya-roshi and the dharma work here in Western North Carolina, please go to windhorsezen.org
Vimalakirti and the Power of Silence
Using Case #84 of the Blue Cliff Record (Hekiganroku), Roshi Sunya Kjolhede discusses the power and necessity of silence in our lives. This talk was given on January 14th, 2024 at Windhorse Zen Community near Asheville, NC. To donate or learn more about us and our dharma work, visit windhorsezen.org Case #84: Vimalakirti's Gate of Non-Duality Vimalakirti asked Manjusri, "What is the Bodhisattva's Dharma gate of non-duality?" Manjusri answered, "To my mind, in all dharmas there are no words, no preaching, no demonstration, and no recognition. It is beyond all questions and answers. That is entering the Dharma gate of non-duality." Then Manjusri asked Vimalakirti, "Each of us has had his say. Now tell us, good man, what is the bodhisattva's entry into the Dharma gate of non-duality?" [Setcho commented, saying, "What did Vimalakirti say?" And again he says, "I have seen through him."]
A dharma talk given at the Windhorse Zen Community by Sunya Kjolhede Sensei. Sunya Sensei was sanctioned to teach by Roshi Philip Kapleau, founder of the Rochester Zen Center.
These talks are straight to the heart of zen.
For more information, see our website, www.windhorsezen.org