Get Fast Podcast - Triathlon, Ironman & Cycling Coaching Advice
TriVelo Coaching
A Triathlon and Cycling podcast dedicated to help improve you as an athlete. If you're a triathlete competing in Ironman, Ironman 70.3 or Olympic triathlon this...
Can you achieve epic results in just one month? We show you how one athlete did it, and how you can too. Erin just had the most typical first month we would expect and absolutely loved it, test, 3 weeks training, test and huge improvements which we guarantee Timestamp:00:00 - Athlete Background04:07 - Bike Training Program12:00 - Important Trait for an Athlete 15:00 - Running Improvement18:30 - Swim Improvement19:20 - Best Way To Approach A Training Program21:41 - Athletes' Gratitude If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly coaching email, just go to: Some of you might already be in there, but many of you won’t be and so this is our official invitation for you to come and join our free community: Check us out on Instagram: Disclaimer: The Content in this podcast is in no way intended to be medical advice, treatment or diagnoses. None of our Content is intended to imply that any products mentioned, remedies or information provided are intended to prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate a disease, ailment, defect or injury or should be used for therapeutic purposes. The Content is intended to assist you with running, cycling, swimming or triathlon and should not be substituted for medical advice by your healthcare professional. We do not accept any liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by the use or reliance on our Content.See for privacy information.
4 Training Sessions You Shouldn't Be Doing (And 4 You Should) - Pt 2
Last week we went through 4 key sessions you absolutely MUST be including in your training program. In part 2 of this episode, we’re going through 4 sessions you really should avoid as they could be a disaster for your training program. PLUS as promised, we’re going to reveal what we think is the absolute BEST training session you can do. Timestamp:00:00 - Introduction01:15 - Social Training: The Hidden Pitfall06:40 - Understand Your Session's Goal14:20 - Fun vs. Results: The Real Choice19:25 - Intensity Overload: Stop Now29:30 - Post-Race Trap: Don't Fall For It39:35 - Purpose Lost: Training's Fatal Flaw45:40 - The Ultimate Session: Revealed! If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly coaching email, just go to: Some of you might already be in there, but many of you won’t be and so this is our official invitation for you to come and join our free community: Check us out on Instagram: Disclaimer: The Content in this podcast is in no way intended to be medical advice, treatment or diagnoses. None of our Content is intended to imply that any products mentioned, remedies or information provided are intended to prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate a disease, ailment, defect or injury or should be used for therapeutic purposes. The Content is intended to assist you with running, cycling, swimming or triathlon and should not be substituted for medical advice by your healthcare professional. We do not accept any liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by the use or reliance on our Content.See for privacy information.
4 Training Sessions You Should Be Doing (And 4 You Shouldn’t) Pt 1
One of the most common questions we get is; what sessions should I really be prioritising? What’s actually the most important? So today’s episode goal is simple; we’re going to give you 4 training sessions you simply must be including in your training program and 4 common sessions that we really think you should avoid. Timestamp:00:00 - Introduction00:50 - Gratitude04:00 - Brutal Race Lessons10:00 - New Athletes Shoutout11:00 - Mailbag: What Indoor Trainer Should I Buy?17:50 - Conquering the Course Requirements24:40 - Fueling the Fire: Run Off the Bike28:50 - Open Water Endurance Necessity33:40 - Peak Performance: Training at Race Intensity If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly coaching email, just go to: Some of you might already be in there, but many of you won’t be and so this is our official invitation for you to come and join our free community: Check us out on Instagram: Disclaimer: The Content in this podcast is in no way intended to be medical advice, treatment or diagnoses. None of our Content is intended to imply that any products mentioned, remedies or information provided are intended to prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate a disease, ailment, defect or injury or should be used for therapeutic purposes. The Content is intended to assist you with running, cycling, swimming or triathlon and should not be substituted for medical advice by your healthcare professional. We do not accept any liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by the use or reliance on our Content.See for privacy information.
Our 14 Week Ironman Program Disaster
"I want to do an Ironman in 14 weeks, can you help me?I’ve never done one before..” If you know us and you know this podcast; you know that question is like nails on a chalkboard.. This was the question Mitch asked us last year in August, as he had started training for the Busso IM in December. In today’s case study episode, we’re going to take you through why despite our preferences; we helped Mitch to his first Ironman and what happened over the next 14 weeks to make it possible. Timestamp:00:00 - The Driven Athlete03:45 - The Danger of Pushing Too Hard07:10 - Crafting A Winning Program10:00 - The Mindset of a Good Athlete12:00 - Building Your Base16:00 - Race Day Strategy19:45 - Common Training Mistakes22:30 - Mastering Race Day24:45 - Why Coaching Matters28:24 - Witnessing Athlete Transformations31:40 - The Key to Unlocking Your Potential As promised in the episode, here were his updated data improvements from his latest test!Run: 10km Time Trial in 3:54min/km pace, his first test with us in September was 4:13min/km pace FTP: 20min power at 313w, up from 296w last test. Also rode at 40km/hr for the first time Swim: 17:00min for 1km. Since he bega, down from 1:56 to 1:42 pace per 100m If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly coaching email, just go to: Some of you might already be in there, but many of you won’t be and so this is our official invitation for you to come and join our free community: Check us out on Instagram: Disclaimer: The Content in this podcast is in no way intended to be medical advice, treatment or diagnoses. None of our Content is intended to imply that any products mentioned, remedies or information provided are intended to prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate a disease, ailment, defect or injury or should be used for therapeutic purposes. The Content is intended to assist you with running, cycling, swimming or triathlon and should not be substituted for medical advice by your healthcare professional. We do not accept any liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by the use or reliance on our Content.See for privacy information.
5 Signs You’re Overtraining and Don’t Know It Yet
If you think that the way to get fitter, faster is just to train more - you’re wrong. Improvement comes from training + recovery. Not just training. The consequences of overtraining can be severe: It Can Take Months (or Longer) to Recover From So often we need to ask ourselves, are you not training well? Or are you just too tired? As always this episode is brought to you by Giant. For all your bike training and racing needs, ride life, ride giant. Timestamp:00:00 - Introduction01:40 - Gratitude08:00 - Welcoming New Athletes09:00 - Mailbag: Off-season Training13:00 - Rest? Not Quite!18:30 - 5 Warning Signs: Are You Overtraining?21:15 - Overtraining vs. Overreaching: What's the Difference?25:35 - Sign #1: Power Plummets28:20 - Sign #2: Your Heart's Secret Signal35:00 - Sign #3: Mood Swings: Friend or Foe?42:10 - Sign #4: The Immune System Strikes Back45:30 - Sign #5: Sleepless Nights (A Sign to Slow Down)50:20 - The Ultimate Recovery Weapon53:25 - Deload Week: A Strategic Retreat If you want to learn how to TRAIN SMARTER and RACE FASTER, you can join our weekly coaching email, just go to: Some of you might already be in there, but many of you won’t be and so this is our official invitation for you to come and join our free community: Check us out on Instagram: Disclaimer: The Content in this podcast is in no way intended to be medical advice, treatment or diagnoses. None of our Content is intended to imply that any products mentioned, remedies or information provided are intended to prevent, diagnose, cure or alleviate a disease, ailment, defect or injury or should be used for therapeutic purposes. The Content is intended to assist you with running, cycling, swimming or triathlon and should not be substituted for medical advice by your healthcare professional. We do not accept any liability for any injury, loss, or damage incurred by the use or reliance on our Content.See for privacy information.
O Get Fast Podcast - Triathlon, Ironman & Cycling Coaching Advice
A Triathlon and Cycling podcast dedicated to help improve you as an athlete. If you're a triathlete competing in Ironman, Ironman 70.3 or Olympic triathlon this is for you. Hosted by expert Triathlon coach and Australian Ironman Champion Gerard Donnelly, listen in to help you Train Smarter to Race Faster
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