A sci-fi audio drama delivered as a first hand account from the eyes of Joseph Crane, Humanity's 'last historian', as he attempts to chronicle their survival in...
In the season finale of Season 5 Joseph contacts the Warmind to push it for information to try and understand why it's forcing him to perform the terrible act. Later Joseph, Arthur and Haugen discuss the future of The Collective. The Earth Collective is currently on hiatus but we are working on things behind the curtain. Stay subscribed to be notified on the future of TEC when the time comes. . . . . "Why are there ads now?" While attempting to create a show as expansive as TEC without the financial support that ads bring was a noble goal, it was not ultimately a realistic one. We have enabled ads in order to support the future of The Collective and our projects, which includes the future of TEC. Whichever direction that takes. 😉
S5E9 - "Reconnection"
Joseph finally uploads to Orbiter One again. Would the encryption codes he found work? Who did he meet in Jamestown?
S5E8 - "Papers in A Box"
Joseph makes his way to the fabled 1374 Jaldor Ave. Will he find what he's looking for? Buy the show a Coffe here! Songs by: Alex Mason - Nostromo Cousin Silas - Traveling in Opposite Directions Precis - Planacar
S5E7 - Footsteps
Joseph narrowly escapes the Collective while The Guard deal with the accident on The Edge Lane. He speeds through the abandoned streets of Jamestown in his search for 1374 Jaldor Ave. What will he find in this long abandoned metropolis? Songs by: Audiorezout FFS24
A sci-fi audio drama delivered as a first hand account from the eyes of Joseph Crane, Humanity's 'last historian', as he attempts to chronicle their survival in rolling cities known as The Collective, fleeing from a malicious entity only found in the darkside of the planet.