In The Audit, comedian Dave Anthony and screenwriter Josh Olson audit a variety of online classes, docuseries, and other media products created by noxious polit...
BONUS: How PragerU’s Propaganda Machine Infiltrated Florida’s Schools
Josh and Dave are joined by journalist and media expert John Knefel to discuss how the conservative propaganda operation PragerU landed a major new partnership with Florida’s public schools.
School Is Out With Wyatt Cenac
For the final episode of The Audit season three, Dave and Josh are joined by comedian and actor Wyatt Cenac. These old-school chums engage in a wide-ranging exploration of their favorite PragerU topics, including abortion, climate change, guns, pornography, and “woke” investing.PragerU videos discussed this week:Why Do You Hate Conservatives?ESG: Woke to Broke For Star Trek fans out there, here’s a link to the Bad Faith podcast episode where Wyatt and Josh debate whether or not the Federation is a space navy.If you’d like to support this show, head over to and leave a tip for Dave and Josh. To get access to Lever Premium Podcasts, and all the other benefits of a paid subscription, click here. A transcript of this episode is available here.
A Field Trip to PragerU HQ
In this week’s episode of The Audit, Dave and Josh join forces with Andrew Perez, investigative reporter from The Lever, to delve deeper into the financial underpinnings of PragerU. The three review, with horror, the organization’s fawning and unhinged interview with Home Depot co-founder Bernie Marcus, who donates millions to PragerU. Dave and Josh also recount their mission to obtain PragerU’s tax documents, which leads to an unexpected face-to-face encounter. Finally, the episode also discusses how right-wing media outlets provoked the extremist assault on the Glendale Unified School District.Videos discussed:Who Is Dennis Prager?Bernie Marcus's Impact on the Success of The Home DepotIf you’d like to support this show, head over to and leave a tip for Dave and Josh. To get access to Lever Premium Podcasts, and all the other benefits of a paid subscription, click here. A transcript of this episode is available here.
Make Love, Not Culture War
On this week’s episode of The Audit, Dave and Josh submit their supple minds to the mental libido of Dennis Prager, whose “fireside chat” video about the sexual nature of “men versus women” exposes the ugly truths about the many regressive cravings of modern conservatism. Joined by guests Will Menaker of Chapo Trap House and Kath Krueger of Discourse Blog (43:22), this episode will require that you too repress your urges — to laugh! Also discussed: The Joe Rogan anti-vax “debate-gate” controversy (5:10). Here’s the link to the referenced Naomi Klein article on RFK Jr. Here's the link to the PragerU article Will mentions.PragerU videos viewed this week:Sex and Human Nature (A “Fireside Chat” with Dennis) Woke War on Reality If you’d like to support this show, head over to and leave a tip for Dave and Josh. To get access to Lever Premium Podcasts, and all the other benefits of a paid subscription, click here. A transcript of this episode is available here.
Ward Cleaver Is My Safe Word
On this week’s episode of The Audit, Dave and Josh are in the back of the classroom with comedian and TV writer Lisa Curry (38:29) to consider a pair of PragerU videos about the male identity. Listening to conservative white men trying to give sex and relationship advice to young people is both hilarious and enlightening for what it reveals about today’s national political conversation. You can follow Lisa on Instagram @olympianlisacurry and on Twitter @lisa_curry. Videos discussed this week:The Sexiest Man Alive by Jim Geraghty of National Review Why Are so Many Young People Unhappy by Dennis PragerIf you’d like to support this show, head over to and leave a tip for Dave and Josh. To get access to Lever Premium Podcasts, and all the other benefits of a paid subscription, click here. A transcript of this episode is available here.
In The Audit, comedian Dave Anthony and screenwriter Josh Olson audit a variety of online classes, docuseries, and other media products created by noxious political figures and boil them down to the good stuff. By which they mean… the bad stuff.
With the rise of MasterClass, TED talks, and celebrity biographies, the country’s political elite are bombarding us with information so we can be just like them. But who has time to devote to all that self-congratulatory navel-gazing?
That’s where The Audit comes in. Dave, Josh and a rotating coterie of guest hosts will consume depraved educational content for the time-pressed listener, then regurgitate a short-form review detailing the sociopathy and insanity baked into the messages. It’s like listening to someone present a book report — except all of the authors are deranged lunatics who are poisoning American culture.