Fr. Tito and Fr. Casey are Franciscan friars and Catholic priests. Each week, we interview another Franciscan and hear their incredible stories of faith, trial,...
Ep 27 | Tyler Harris | Eucharist, Beauty, Living Faith
Tyler Harris, OFM is not worried about the Church. He sees places where faith is alive and thriving, centered around the Eucharist.
Ep 26 | Jimmy Beh | Novitiate, Life Coaching, Vowed Life
Jimmy Beh is in the process of making a major life change: he's just months away from taking vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Some would see this as scary or restrictive, but Jimmy loves the freedom that they provide.
Ep 25 | Jim Bok | Becoming a Missionary at 61
Fr. Jim Bok lived an "ordinary" friar life. He worked at a school, then raised money for the friars in the development office, things that many friars set out to do. Then, at 61, when many are starting to look forward to retirement, he decided to become a missionary to Jamaica. He never regreted any of his 16 years there.
Ep 24 | Roger Lopez | When "Italy" Calls, Your Life is About to Change
Roger Lopez loved to teach high school students. Then one day he received a phone call from "Italy." As a Catholic, this generally means big news. In his case, he had been selected to be a provincial councilor, a leader in the government of the Order.
Ep 22. Greg Plata | The Traveling Sales-friar
Fr. Greg Plata works in vocations ministry for the Franciscans, which means he travels a lot. This has taught him some tremendous lessons along the way.
Fr. Tito and Fr. Casey are Franciscan friars and Catholic priests. Each week, we interview another Franciscan and hear their incredible stories of faith, trial, and comedy.