This week, Dr. Steve Novella of The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe joins us for a skeptical review of The Earthing Movie; the story of how all disease can be cured by standing on the ground (or buying their patented 'standing on the ground' mat).
Check out The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe here.
You can find Steve's books here.
If you’d like to make a per episode donation and get monthly bonus episodes, please check us out on Patreon:
Check out our other shows, The Scathing Atheist, The Skepticrat, Citation Needed, and D&D Minus.
Our theme music is written and performed by Ryan Slotnick of Evil Giraffes on Mars. If you’d like to hear more, check out their Facebook Page:
491: Alex's War
This week, you get two guest masochists for the price of one. Michael Marshall and Cecil Something-Italian from the new "Know Rogan Experience" podcast join us to talk about -- Alex Jones. I know. You expected me to say Joe Rogan. What can I say? We like to keep it unpredictable.
Check out the Know Rogan Experience podcast here:
If you’d like to make a per episode donation and get monthly bonus episodes, please check us out on Patreon:
Check out our other shows, The Scathing Atheist, The Skepticrat, Citation Needed, and D&D Minus.
Our theme music is written and performed by Ryan Slotnick of Evil Giraffes on Mars. If you’d like to hear more, check out their Facebook Page:
Check out more from Cecil on Cognitive Dissonance, Lawful Assembly, and Season Liberally
Check out more from Marsh on Skeptics with a K.
490: One Nation Under God
In this week's episode, Lydia and Thomas Smith join us for an atheist review of One Nation Under God, the story of a terrifying world where kids aren't forced to pledge allegiance to a monotheistic deity regardless of their personal beliefs.
Hear more from Thomas and Lydia on Where There’s WokeIf you’d like to make a per episode donation and get monthly bonus episodes, please check us out on Patreon:
Check out our other shows, The Scathing Atheist, The Skepticrat, Citation Needed, and D&D Minus.
Our theme music is written and performed by Ryan Slotnick of Evil Giraffes on Mars. If you’d like to hear more, check out their Facebook Page:
489: Disciples in the Moonlight
This week, we welcome in Jordan Black from the Dead Domain YouTube Channel for an atheist review of Disciples in the Moonlight. It's the story of a terrifying near future world where all the hate speech has been removed from the Bible and... that's it. That's the terrifying future.
Hear more from Jordan at the Dead Domain YouTube channel
If you’d like to make a per episode donation and get monthly bonus episodes, please check us out on Patreon:
Check out our other shows, The Scathing Atheist, The Skepticrat, Citation Needed, and D&D Minus.
Our theme music is written and performed by Ryan Slotnick of Evil Giraffes on Mars. If you’d like to hear more, check out their Facebook Page:
488: Trump by Grace (ep 1&2)
This week, Dan and Jordan from Knowledge Fight join us to review Trump by Grace, a pro-Trump TV show that was aborted in the first trimester despite their constant protests about how sinful that is.
Hear more from Dan and Jordan on Knowledge Fight
If you’d like to make a per episode donation and get monthly bonus episodes, please check us out on Patreon:
Check out our other shows, The Scathing Atheist, The Skepticrat, Citation Needed, and D&D Minus.
Our theme music is written and performed by Ryan Slotnick of Evil Giraffes on Mars. If you’d like to hear more, check out their Facebook Page: