Welcome to the fifteenth episode of The Freedom Place podcast featuring interviews with American-born sage, Traktung Khepa. For more information about t.k. and his work, visit https://www.TraktungKhepa.com.In this interview, t.k. answers questions sent in by a listener of the podcast. We love listener questions, so to have t.k. answer your questions in an upcoming episode, please send them to me, Greg Kaminsky, via Facebook Messenger, or email them to
[email protected] questions answered in this episode are:1. Is it possible to achieve liberation from the fetters of greed, hatred, and delusion in this lifetime? Is this level of freedom possible? If so, in what sense, and what are the most important means for achieving it?2. A second question is about the importance of meditation. I have a career, children and a girlfriend. However, enlightenment is very important to me and I am interested in advice as to how I can best progress within my own circumstances. I have maybe 5 or 6 hours available a day during the week. How would that time best be spent if my goal is to progress towards freedom and awakening?The intro music is "Devotion" by David Modica and the outro music is "As if in a dream." A haunting beautiful wisdom poem by Thinley Norbu Rinpoche that reminds us of the ephemeral quality of this appearance-emptiness we call our lives. It is sung by Tsochen Khandro and was recorded at Tsogyelgar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lQ3rzUm5gqk