The Emerald City of Oz is the sixth installment in L. Frank Baum’s iconic Oz series, where Dorothy Gale returns to the magical Land of Oz, this time with her Au...
The Emerald City of Oz is the sixth installment in L. Frank Baum’s iconic Oz series, where Dorothy Gale returns to the magical Land of Oz, this time with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Faced with financial troubles in Kansas, Dorothy brings them to Oz for a new beginning. They are warmly welcomed by Princess Ozma, and together, they explore the marvellous wonders of the Emerald City and beyond. Meanwhile, the evil Nome King, Roquat, seeks revenge against the people of Oz and plans a dark invasion with his army of magical creatures. As the threat looms, Ozma uses powerful magic to seal off Oz from the outside world, ensuring its safety forever.This enchanting story weaves together themes of adventure, fantasy, and the comfort of finding a safe haven in a world of wonder. With vibrant characters, whimsical settings, and thrilling twists, The Emerald City of Oz is a timeless tale that transports readers into the heart of Baum's enchanting universe.Don’t miss out on this magical journey! Listen to The Emerald City of Oz on Audio Pitara and download the Audio Pitara app today for more fantastic stories and adventures!
EP 30: How the Story of Oz Came to an End
The Emerald City of Oz is the sixth installment in L. Frank Baum’s iconic Oz series, where Dorothy Gale returns to the magical Land of Oz, this time with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Faced with financial troubles in Kansas, Dorothy brings them to Oz for a new beginning. They are warmly welcomed by Princess Ozma, and together, they explore the marvellous wonders of the Emerald City and beyond. Meanwhile, the evil Nome King, Roquat, seeks revenge against the people of Oz and plans a dark invasion with his army of magical creatures. As the threat looms, Ozma uses powerful magic to seal off Oz from the outside world, ensuring its safety forever.This enchanting story weaves together themes of adventure, fantasy, and the comfort of finding a safe haven in a world of wonder. With vibrant characters, whimsical settings, and thrilling twists, The Emerald City of Oz is a timeless tale that transports readers into the heart of Baum's enchanting universe.Don’t miss out on this magical journey! Listen to The Emerald City of Oz on Audio Pitara and download the Audio Pitara app today for more fantastic stories and adventures!
EP 27: How the Fierce Warriors Invaded Oz
The Emerald City of Oz is the sixth installment in L. Frank Baum’s iconic Oz series, where Dorothy Gale returns to the magical Land of Oz, this time with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Faced with financial troubles in Kansas, Dorothy brings them to Oz for a new beginning. They are warmly welcomed by Princess Ozma, and together, they explore the marvellous wonders of the Emerald City and beyond. Meanwhile, the evil Nome King, Roquat, seeks revenge against the people of Oz and plans a dark invasion with his army of magical creatures. As the threat looms, Ozma uses powerful magic to seal off Oz from the outside world, ensuring its safety forever.This enchanting story weaves together themes of adventure, fantasy, and the comfort of finding a safe haven in a world of wonder. With vibrant characters, whimsical settings, and thrilling twists, The Emerald City of Oz is a timeless tale that transports readers into the heart of Baum's enchanting universe.Don’t miss out on this magical journey! Listen to The Emerald City of Oz on Audio Pitara and download the Audio Pitara app today for more fantastic stories and adventures!
EP 25: How the Scarecrow Displayed His Wisdom
The Emerald City of Oz is the sixth installment in L. Frank Baum’s iconic Oz series, where Dorothy Gale returns to the magical Land of Oz, this time with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Faced with financial troubles in Kansas, Dorothy brings them to Oz for a new beginning. They are warmly welcomed by Princess Ozma, and together, they explore the marvellous wonders of the Emerald City and beyond. Meanwhile, the evil Nome King, Roquat, seeks revenge against the people of Oz and plans a dark invasion with his army of magical creatures. As the threat looms, Ozma uses powerful magic to seal off Oz from the outside world, ensuring its safety forever.This enchanting story weaves together themes of adventure, fantasy, and the comfort of finding a safe haven in a world of wonder. With vibrant characters, whimsical settings, and thrilling twists, The Emerald City of Oz is a timeless tale that transports readers into the heart of Baum's enchanting universe.Don’t miss out on this magical journey! Listen to The Emerald City of Oz on Audio Pitara and download the Audio Pitara app today for more fantastic stories and adventures!
EP 02: How Uncle Henry Got Into Trouble
The Emerald City of Oz is the sixth installment in L. Frank Baum’s iconic Oz series, where Dorothy Gale returns to the magical Land of Oz, this time with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Faced with financial troubles in Kansas, Dorothy brings them to Oz for a new beginning. They are warmly welcomed by Princess Ozma, and together, they explore the marvellous wonders of the Emerald City and beyond. Meanwhile, the evil Nome King, Roquat, seeks revenge against the people of Oz and plans a dark invasion with his army of magical creatures. As the threat looms, Ozma uses powerful magic to seal off Oz from the outside world, ensuring its safety forever.This enchanting story weaves together themes of adventure, fantasy, and the comfort of finding a safe haven in a world of wonder. With vibrant characters, whimsical settings, and thrilling twists, The Emerald City of Oz is a timeless tale that transports readers into the heart of Baum's enchanting universe.Don’t miss out on this magical journey! Listen to The Emerald City of Oz on Audio Pitara and download the Audio Pitara app today for more fantastic stories and adventures!
The Emerald City of Oz is the sixth installment in L. Frank Baum’s iconic Oz series, where Dorothy Gale returns to the magical Land of Oz, this time with her Aunt Em and Uncle Henry. Faced with financial troubles in Kansas, Dorothy brings them to Oz for a new beginning. They are warmly welcomed by Princess Ozma, and together, they explore the marvellous wonders of the Emerald City and beyond. Meanwhile, the evil Nome King, Roquat, seeks revenge against the people of Oz and plans a dark invasion with his army of magical creatures. As the threat looms, Ozma uses powerful magic to seal off Oz from the outside world, ensuring its safety forever.This enchanting story weaves together themes of adventure, fantasy, and the comfort of finding a safe haven in a world of wonder. With vibrant characters, whimsical settings, and thrilling twists, The Emerald City of Oz is a timeless tale that transports readers into the heart of Baum's enchanting universe.Don’t miss out on this magical journey! Listen to The Emerald City of Oz on Audio Pitara and download the Audio Pitara app today for more fantastic stories and adventures! This audiobook is Narrated using AI voice from ElevenLabs.