Thomas Miller - Program Your Subconscious Mind / Law of Attraction / LOA / Law of Attraction / Subconscious Mind / Frederick Dodson / Spirituality / Reality Shifting / Parallel Universes / Desired Reality DR
Start at the beginning (episode #1)....this is an audio-Journey of someone who hit life's bottom later in life, re-programmed his fundamental Christian upbringi...
Podcast 408 - Finding God After a Sudden Stroke - With Bill Palanuk, Long-Time Friend & Broadcaster
FREE Meditation for a limited time here: dear friend meets God after a sudden stroke and re-programs his entire perspective on life. "One of the Internet's top podcasts on Subconscious Mind Programming!"
Podcast 407 - Powerful Pisces New Moon Ceremony to Maximize Your Subconscious Mind Programming Opportunity!
This is free for a limited time here:"One of the Internet's top podcasts on Subconscious Mind Programming!"
March FunNess! Special Episode - A Pisces Up-Tempo Meditation To Capture The Moment!
This is free for a limited time here:"One of the Internet's top podcasts on Subconscious Mind Programming!"
Podcast 406 - Fred Dodson's Best Advice for March FunNess - Subconscious Programming, Manifesting, Remote Viewing and Releasing!
Buy Thomas a Coffee! you!"One of the Internet's top podcasts on Subconscious Mind Programming!"
Podcast 405 - March FunNess! Releasing Attachments For Faster Manifesting!
Buy Thomas a Coffee! you!"One of the Internet's top podcasts on Subconscious Mind Programming!"