A podcast about culture, politics, and our crumbling world. Hosted by Luke Savage and Will Sloan.
Exclusive subscriber-only episodes: https://www.patreon.com/m...
We pay tribute to the late, great David Lynch with a two-part discussion of his strangest, most abrasive, and arguably most innovative feature. We discuss how INLAND EMPIRE (2006) confounded expectations with its low-budget production, free-associative style, and startling use of digital video, and begin to unpacked its multilayered story.
Join us on Patreon for an extra episode every week - https://www.patreon.com/michaelandus
PREVIEW - #592 - West's Side Story
We recap the first week-or-so of Trump Era 2.0, and then, because we can all use a larf right now, discuss LOOKWELL (1991), the legendary unsold sitcom pilot starring Adam West and written by Conan O'Brian and Robert Smigel.
PATREON-EXCLUSIVE EPISODE - https://www.patreon.com/posts/120760912
PREVIEW - #591 - Facts are the Center (Newsroom Part 3)
In episode three of THE NEWSROOM, "The 112th Congress," Will McAvoy finally runs afoul of the people who really run the network. We discuss what Aaron Sorkin gets right about news media and the people who own it, in addition to all the things he gets wrong.
PATREON-EXCLUSIVE EPISODE - https://www.patreon.com/posts/591-facts-are-3-120499773
#590 - Nasty Hero
With the reigning governments in both Canada and the United States spurting their last few dribbles, we're in a bit of a political limbo period... so what better time to watch a bad direct-to-video '80s action movie? We discuss something called NASTY HERO (1987). PLUS: Obama and Trump, the Canadian Liberal Party leadership race, Armond White, and a few words on the passing of David Lynch.
Join us on Patreon for an extra episode every week - https://www.patreon.com/michaelandus
Yes, you can watch NASTY HERO on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K_Ry-QtlOEU&t=2113s&ab_channel=HiroyukiTerada%2FDayOffChannel
"The Revolution Will Not Be Curated" by Thomas Frank - https://thebaffler.com/salvos/revolution-not-curated-frank
PREVIEW - #589 - The X Factor (Newsroom Part 2)
In the second episode of THE NEWSROOM, MacKenzie lays out her theory of what a quality news broadcast should look like, and Will McAvoy presides over one of the worst broadcasts of his career. It's one of the Sorkinest Sorkin shows we've ever seen - it's "News Night 2.0"
PATREON-EXCLUSIVE EPISODE - https://www.patreon.com/posts/589-x-factor-2-120060633
Więcej TV i Film podcastówWięcej TV i Film podcastów
A podcast about culture, politics, and our crumbling world. Hosted by Luke Savage and Will Sloan.
Exclusive subscriber-only episodes: https://www.patreon.com/michaelandus/overview