If pride caused a fall in heaven, how much more will it destroy your life, your home or promotions?
I Can't Open Up To You | Therapy Thursday | Issac Curry
It’s more than you not having a safe space to truly be vulnerable. What if you’re the one who hasn’t been creating the space for the people around you to stop hiding?
Trusting The Sovereignty Of God | Dr. J. T. Flowers
In our surrender to God, we demonstrate our trust in God.
You're Under A Thought, Not Under Attack | Therapy Thursday | Jerry Flowers
Is the way you think negatively affecting your heart? It takes strength to unlearn thoughts you were taught to believe as truth. What my Father thinks about me is what I choose to think about me!
This Will Help Them Grow | Parables | Part 8 | Jerry Flowers
Are you able to identify the things which are strangling your ability to produce fruit? We must be people who trust the process God uses to grow us!