Introducing The Punies, an eclectic group of neighborhood friends who play sports and take on adventures together. Created by NBA Champion Kobe Bryant and featu...
In a rowing race showdown against the Oakies, BB takes over as the captain of the Good Ol’ Gang’s canoe. When her harsh leadership doesn’t work, Puny helps her motivate each member of the team in their own unique way.
With a party at TidBit Fun Zone on the line, Pete learns some visualization techniques from Lilly to picture his gymnastics routine so he can stay focused under pressure.
Sharpen Your Axe
BB rushes her way through the first two BMX races, to poor results. If she wants to win the third, she’ll have to take Gordon’s advice to slow down and “sharpen her axe before cutting down the tree.”
Trust Your Skill
Gordon thinks he needs a lucky superstition to do well in the Home Run Derby, but BB knows he already has the skill required to hit the winning homer.
The Power of Problem Solving
Lilly struggles to complete her special “Dazzling Dress Dunk” for the mini-hoop Slam Dunk Contest. If she’s going to win, she’ll have to get creative and learn from her mistakes.
Introducing The Punies, an eclectic group of neighborhood friends who play sports and take on adventures together. Created by NBA Champion Kobe Bryant and featuring original songs and an unforgettable cast of characters known as The Good Ol’ Gang, each episode shares important life lessons on how to play with joy and limitless imagination, the way sports should be played.