Luminaris Brimstone, Witch Investigator is a comedic fantasy adventure show starring our broke titular private investigator wandering around the world, alone, m...
Luminaris glides into a gloomy port city being overrun by an overdose problem that's turning the residents into feral civilians. After a rich private family moves into town, the incidents increase - but the city's police department has already done their due diligence and investigations. So, what could be causing this outbreak...?
Story & Written by Elijah Gabriel & Kaitlyn Kliman
Edited by Adam Blanford
Directed by Kaitlyn Kliman & Elijah Gabriel
Sound Designed by Alberto Lucchetti
Music by James Stoffa & Elias Berton
Scoring by Nondas Gousopoulos
Produced by Thrown Together Studios
Luminaris Brimstone – Natalie Bingham
Ambrosia - Kathryn McQueen
Darlene - Leslie Gideon
Cornelia - Kyra Koch
Lamar - Cornelius Mohr
Blackreach Cop (Nathan) -
Alvin Summers - Barry Haworth
Annabelle - Natalie Bingham
BPD Chief Isiah - Atticus Jackson
Ezra - Angelica Gabriel
The Case of Bazaar Thefts - Part 2
Our witch invesitgator continues her hunt for the invisible items as she returns to the bazaar once again for answers. This time however, a theft takes place leading Lumi on a path towards a tahini stakeout! Will she find out who's behind these disappearances or end up feeding her stomach.
Story & Written by Kaitlyn Kliman & Elijah Gabriel
Edited by Adam Blanford
Directed by Elijah Gabriel & Kaitlyn Klikan
Sound Designed by Alberto Lucchetti
Music by James Stoffa & Elias Berton
Scoring by Nondas Gousopoulos
Produced by Thrown Together Studios
Luminaris Brimstone – Natalie Bingham
Ambrosia - Kathryn McQueen
Asher - Davy Devries
Ezra - Angelica Gabriel
Bartender - Angela Hall
Esther -Hannah Schirman
Levi -Nikko Goldstein
Alchemist - Kyle Gould
Julie - Valentina Kelaidi
David - Tarran Merlo
The Case of Bazaar Thefts - Part 1
Rude! Rude! Rude! Everywhere our little witch turns - nay a glance is given to her as the market buzzes with people and action. Lost again, Lumi finds herself in a palm reader's tent as she's late to her appointment. Apparently, items are going missing and someone's being sneaky.
Story & Written by Kaitlyn Kliman & Elijah Gabriel
Edited by Adam Blanford
Directed by Elijah Gabriel & Kaitlyn Klikan
Sound Designed by Kelly Theissen & Alberto Lucchetti
Music by James Stoffa & Elias Berton
Scoring by Nondas Gousopoulos
Produced by Thrown Together Studios
Luminaris Brimstone – Natalie Bingham
Ambrosia - Kathryn McQueen
Asher - Davy Devries
Ezra - Angelica Gabriel
Rai - Peter Nishimura
Yvette - Britney Monae
Veronica - Nikki Paige
Uther - Brian Anderson
The Case of Dream-Eating Memories - Part 3
Luminaris is chained and deranged! Actually, that may be the haunted house she finds herself against as she dangles for dear life, and the only thing that can save her is... a quiz game? What is this, 20 questions?
Story & Written by Elijah Gabriel & Kaitlyn Kliman
Edited by Adam Blanford
Directed by Kaitlyn Kliman & Elijah Gabriel
Sound Designed by Alberto Lucchetti
Music by James Stoffa & Elias Berton
Scoring by Nondas Gousopoulos
Produced by Thrown Together Studios
Luminaris Brimstone – Stefanie Howerton
Little George - Adam Blanford
House (Olivia) - Sarah Cooper
George - Adam Blanford
The Case of Dream-Eating Memories - Part 2
Luminaris is trapped!? Who knew the mind of a middle-aged man would be so... childish? An encounter with the younger version of the dream patient has our witch investigator fending off attacks and insults from... a house? Kids, right?
Story & Written by Elijah Gabriel & Kaitlyn Kliman
Edited by Adam Blanford
Directed by Kaitlyn Kliman & Elijah Gabriel
Sound Designed by Alberto Lucchetti
Music by James Stoffa & Elias Berton
Scoring by Nondas Gousopoulos
Produced by Thrown Together Studios
Luminaris Brimstone – Stefanie Howerton
Rebecca -Kaitlyn Kliman
Mandy - Kathryn McQueen
Little George - Adam Blanford
House (Olivia) - Sarah Cooper
George - Adam Blanford
Luminaris Brimstone, Witch Investigator is a comedic fantasy adventure show starring our broke titular private investigator wandering around the world, alone, mixing business and pleasure while solving crimes and causing mayhem for any local she comes across. Something happened that has her searching for her lost memories, but when karma finally catches up, who will she rely on when things get rough?