Maternal Health Outcomes: Data Analytics Manager Chris Magee recaps a new LLA report that evaluates the Louisiana Department of Health’s efforts to improve maternal health outcomes. |
Managed Care Incentive Payment Program
Managed Care Incentive Payment Program: Data Analytics Manager Chris Magee recaps a new LLA report that evaluates the Louisiana Department of Health’s design and oversight of the Medicaid Managed Care Incentive Payment Program, which totaled $2.39 billion from September 2019 through March 2024. |
Louisiana Fortify Homes Program
Louisiana Fortify Homes Program: Economic Advisory Services Director Ed Seyler recaps a new LLA report that evaluates the economic impact of the Louisiana Fortify Homes Program, which provides grants of up to $10,000 to individual homeowners to incentivize roofing retrofits that meet the FORTIFIED Roof standard. |
Adverse Actions Lists for Certified Nurse Aides and Direct Service Workers
Adverse Actions Lists for Certified Nurse Aides and Direct Service Workers: Performance Audit Services Senior Manager Emily Dixon recaps a new LLA report that evaluates the Louisiana Department of Health’s oversight of its adverse actions lists for Certified Nurse Aides and Direct Service Workers with findings of abuse and neglect. |
Seclusion, Restraint and Abuse/Mistreatment of Children with Disabilities in Public Schools
Seclusion, Restraint and Abuse/Mistreatment of Children with Disabilities in Public Schools: Performance Audit Services Senior Auditor Alison Butts recaps a new LLA report that evaluates the Louisiana Department of Education’s oversight of the use of seclusion and restraint for students with disabilities, as well as Louisiana’s laws and regulations related to allegations of staff abuse of students with disabilities. |